" Good day I thank you Dr and Mrs. Moyana for organizing this day I did learn a lot it’s a day always to remember "

Testimony by Marvelous Muzvonda
" You can say that again!!! Amen. "

Testimony by Getrude Mateta
" That's true we had a wonderful time thank u Dr Moyana and Mrs. Moyana and everyone who prepared for this day may the good Lord bless u indeed. "

Testimony by Haruperi Maworera
" Handina kumboziva kuti pane mumwe munhu anokoshesa basa rangu, it’s a good feeling, thank you Doc. It was Waaaaal "

Testimony by Memory Musekiwa
" True thank you so much Doc and Mrs. Moyana tadzidza zvakawanda. Thank you ndakutoda kuitawo the 1yr Diploma but fr 2019 ndasaver funds "

Testimony by Lisa Mhuka
" Sometimes it’s really hard for a dental assistant to be taken seriously. Today really felt I was with my own people. "

Testimony by Lisa Mhuka
" Thank you Dr and Mrs. Moyana for the wonderful day which was full of encouraging and rich lessons. You are indeed our God given leaders. God bless you now and forever. "

Testimony by Motsi Tabitha
" Great work Dr and Mrs. Moyana and entire team. ..well done. "

Testimony by Makaure Sesedzai Mrs
" An exceptional event. Thank you Dr and Mrs Moyana. "

Testimony by Bella NASHE (Mrs)
" Thank you Dr and Mrs Moyana for this great day. The seminar was very inspiring. "

Testimony by Dorris Westerfall
" Thank you for organizing one-day seminar for the DSAs. It was great. I thank you Dr and Mrs. Moyana. "

Testimony by Felistus Econet
" Thank you Dr &Mrs. Moyana. It was an awesome & motivational seminar. "

Testimony by Kudzi Mashaire
" We thank you Dr Moyana and team for uplifting us, the seminar was very educative. Yes, we already feel like professionals. "

Testimony by Jestina NKala
" I have been places and I have attended other seminars but todays were awesome, motivating and inspiring. Thank you Doc and your team. I am already picking up my fallen feathers build up my wings again and be the eagle that flies the highest. "

Testimony by Lindah Pemba
" And please do take us even further, we surely feel the joy of seeing everything from above and of course because of the wings we didn't know we had. All thanks to you. May The Good Lord bless you. "

Testimony by Jestina Nkala
Testimony by Lillian Gore

Testimony by Kudzi Mashaire